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Bungee Buddies for Your Side Cases

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Bungee BuddiesCan’t figure out how to install bungee loops on your panniers without destroying your cases? Read on!

I installed bungee loops on my 2008 K1200GT and now on my 2016 R1200RT.

I published the how-to (with photos) for the GT in a previous Gateway Gazette.

The GT cases were difficult to say the least. The Germans know how to make things complicated.

The RT cases are much easier because only 2 sections must be removed and the locking mechanisms are not disturbed as on the GT’s.

Tools required for the GT cases are: T-20 & T-25 torx(star) bits, 8mm open wrench and a 1/4″ drill.

A soft working spot is required to limit scratching the painted parts. I used a dog bed but a carpet should do. I removed the covers with the T25 bit and 8mm wrench – but its not necessary. Using the torx bits remove the top section and drill a 1/4″ hole ~1″ midway below the top. The front section is also removed with bits and drill hole 1″ midway below front edge. Install bungee loops with appropriate tools.

Warning: Do not plan on using case loops for securing heavy loads by themselves!

I’ll be happy to help you install loops on your cases or provide photos.
